LS Equity

Time is Money. Invest. Partner. Grow. Concepts

101 Supply Chain Group Previous Next Previous Next Previous Next Luxe Business Cards The cards feature a soft-touch matte coating, giving them a unique and luxurious feel. A raised gloss spot UV treatment provides a focal anchor for the card’s dark, low contrast theme. Concepts Previous Next Previous Next

Little Brittons CBD

We set out to create a new brand identity and packaging for Little Brittons with the idea of a product that felt calm and natural, as if it were a part of a natural ecosystem that had been left undisturbed.


The name Worth perfectly encapsulates the essence of our company, symbolizing its core values and strengths. It reflects our unwavering dedication to two key pillars: genuine connections and an unyielding commitment to delivering exceptional service. At the heart of our organization lie the fundamental principles of ethical integrity, transparency, and fairness. These virtues serve as […]

bttr CBD

Better CBD, bttr energy